This work is about the decline of my independent, artistic, funny Grandma Gorgeous (GG). Taking inspiration from a long line of photographers who have documented family members suffering from Alzheimer’s, I began this difficult journey. How is it possible that someone can live their whole life and suddenly have it ripped away in front of their eyes? How do you carry a conversation with the shell of your loved one? These images represent my ache to see her as she once was and also seek to honor a lifetime GG can no longer recall.

This work is about the decline of my independent, artistic, funny Grandma Gorgeous (GG). Taking inspiration from a long line of photographers who have documented family members suffering from Alzheimer’s, I began this difficult journey. How is it possible that someone can live their whole life and suddenly have it ripped away in front of their eyes? How do you carry a conversation with the shell of your loved one? These images represent my ache to see her as she once was and also seek to honor a lifetime GG can no longer recall.