Humans of Dementia

Now accepting submissions!

Humans of Dementia

HFC's annual storytelling and photography contest, Humans of Dementia, invites young people to share their personal stories of loss, fear, resilience, and hope in the face of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

High school and college students submit photos or essays, with winning submissions posted across HFC’s channels to drive awareness and inspire change.

Prizes include:

  • Cash prizes for 1st ($2,500), 2nd ($1,500), and 3rd place ($1,000)
  • A feature on HFC's website and social channels
  • A chance to meet prominent writers, photographers, journalists, and other storytellers
  • A virtual winners' celebration with HFC Co-founders, Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller Rogen

Submission deadline extended to May 15, 2022!

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