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Section 5

Cruise Control for the Soul:

Repeat after us:

It’s okay to feel all the feels.
I’m allowed to have fun, laugh, and find joy.
I am allowed to grieve.
I will give myself grace.

When we provide care to others, we must also care for ourselves. Full stop. But self-care is easier said than done. Long journeys require breaks, so here is a list of pit stops for you - the care partner - for when you need to stretch your legs a bit or just take in the view.

Pull on over for quick, low effort pauses that make all the difference

Take a little more time, enjoy a big return.

Shameless Plug:

HFC’s Online Support Groups are free and designed to help people who are navigating their way through any stage of an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. And they’re scheduled to fit with caregivers’ busy lives.

Learn more.

  • Take Short Walks: Get some fresh air and a bit of exercise daily.

  • Join a Support Group: Join caregiver support groups for shared experiences.

  • Maintain a Journal: Write down your thoughts and feelings - or a list of things you’re grateful for.

  • Practice Yoga or Tai Chi: Practice these calming exercises to reduce stress.

  • Delegate Tasks: Don't hesitate to ask for help from family and friends. One simple ask: “make me dinner!”

  • Plan Mini Getaways: Arrange short breaks to recharge outside of caregiving.

  • Set Boundaries: Establish limits on your caregiving role to avoid burnout.

  • Keep Learning: Pursue online courses or workshops for personal growth. (Look at you doing that right now!)

  • Prioritize Sleep: Even going to bed a few minutes earlier each night can make a big difference. Try tracking your sleep to see where you can make improvements. Learn more about establishing a brain healthy sleep routine.

  • Socialize: Engaging in social activities can be a breath of fresh air for the brain, offering connection, support, and a sense of belonging.

  • Lean Into Faith: your faith community can also be a place to find comfort, compassion, and community. There may also be dedicated support and resources for family caregivers.

The rest stop that has it all. Starbucks! Wendy’s! Bathrooms, oh my! The holy grail of self-care efforts.

The Ten B’s of Caregiving

Caregivers need care too. You’re doing great, and you deserve some time to recharge.
Remember, self-care is crucial for care partners, and it's important to choose options that best fit your individual circumstances and needs. Whatever it is - keep it up so you can go the distance.

  • Seek Respite Care: Arrange for professional respite care to take a longer break.You can’t provide high quality care if you are running on Empty. Respite can be provided by someone you know who is comfortable with your person and their needs. It can also be provided by paid, professional care providers. HFC offers a Care Grant program that will cover the cost of in-home care for a period of time. We accept applications on a rolling basis. The point is, keep yourself a well-oiled machine by getting regularly scheduled breaks from caregiving. And leave the guilt behind - you deserve the break.

  • Exercise Regularly: Commit to a consistent exercise regimen for stress relief - and your own brain health!

  • Find Caregiver Wellness Opportunities: Attend a caregiver wellness retreat or workshop. We have these too!

  • Go to Therapy: a therapist/mental health professional can be that neutral, non-judgemental sounding board you’ve been looking for. They will be there, week after week, to help you work through whatever feelings you may have.

  • Take an Extended Break: Plan a longer respite where you step away from caregiving entirely for a period. Talk to your boss or Human Resources about sick time, family medical leave, and other benefits that may allow you to take some time off.

A Caregiver

It’s okay to feel all
the feels.

I’m allowed to have
fun, laugh, and find joy.

I am allowed to grieve.

I will give myself grace.

A Caregiver

It’s okay to feel all the feels. I’m allowed to have fun, laugh, and find joy. I am allowed to grieve. I will give myself grace.

Self-Care Menu:





Deep Breaths








Social Media


Positive Affirmations




Support Group


Yoga/Tai Chi


Get Away

Set Boundaries




Lean Into Faith


Respite Care




Extended Break

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